Notice: ​ SCA will dismiss at 2 PM on April 3rd and 4th for staff training by the LRPD related to campus safety and crisis management.
Dear Parents and Students:
The Administration of SCA is committed to providing a safe environment for learning, and in support of that commitment, exciting enhancements to campus security are coming. ANSAA, the organization with whom we are accredited, requires us to conduct yearly safety inspections. As part of this year’s inspection, and at our request, the Little Rock Police Department, School Safety Division is currently conducting a school safety audit of our campus which includes a detailed review of our facilities and of our crisis plan. School safety experts at the LRPD will be leading training for our staff at no charge on April 3rd and 4th from 3-5 pm here at school; therefore, we will be dismissing at 2 pm these 2 days in order to include our academy and preschool staff.
This is mandatory training for our staff and will help all SCA employees become better able to respond to any emergency that might occur here. We are doing this to be better equipped to keep our students and our staff safe.
We hope this early dismissal will not cause your family inconvenience. Thank you for all you do for us.
SCA School Board and Administration